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"For every dollar invested in the health of workers, on average $5.81 is returned in savings.”- American Journal of Health Promotion

"A good wellness program doesn’t cost you money… not having one does." - Coach JT

Healthy vs Unhealthy Workers at a Glance:

Healthy workers are almost three times more productive than their unhealthy colleagues, taking 9x more sick days per year than healthy workers.


Unhealthy workers log only 49 effective hours each month (12hours/week), compared to the healthiest workers who clocked up 143 effective hours month (35hours/week).


How Does EVOLVE Change Our Bottom Line?

Attract More and Healthier Minded Employees

Over 90% of businesses agreed that performance (quality of work) and productivity (quantity of work) improved after employee wellness was prioritized. Meanwhile, neglecting employee health was linked to sickness, reduced. engagement levels, burnout and stress.


Team Building

In addition to improving the mental well-being of your employees, wellness programs can help your team bond, ultimately improving company morale and culture. Having team wellness challenges can encourage your employees to participate in activities together, allowing them to build relationships while improving their health, which can lead to better teamwork.

Decreased Health Related Costs

A healthier work force simply means lower health insurance costs. The numbers are significant to say the least. This one metric alone provides an impressive ROI. Those involved in a healthy lifestyle have a decrease in blood pressure by 50-60%, reduction in smoking by 90%, reduced risk of cancer, anxiety, diabetes and other common illnesses by 57%. Studies from the Harvard Business Review and MD Anderson Cooper Cancer Center show substantial and often permanent changes in large work forces after changes in corporate wellness and healthy workplace incentives have been implemented. Overall health insurance costs have been reduced by as much as 20-30%.


Reduced Sick Leave and Modified Duty

Employee time off due to sickness and physical illness can be a major issue with staff, especially when it’s long term. It also affects ongoing medical rates and workers comp rates. Reductions in time off (both short-term and long-term) can be reduced by as much as 80% and modified work duty is decreased by as much as 64% (MD Anderson Cooper Cancer Center) with the implementation and monitoring of a proper corporate wellness program.


Reduced Cost of Workers Comp Claims

An effective workplace wellness program can reduce average annual costs per working-age adult by $649.09 or 18.4%. For older working adults (60-64 years old), the possible savings could be substantially higher at $1,947.10 or 27.9% (LexisNexis Workers’ Compensation Law Community). The focus being on smoking, high blood pressure, high blood sugar, physical inactivity, alcohol abuse, low nutrient intake, cancer and cardiovascular disease. ALL of which are directly related to poor nutritional habits and lack of physical activity. Injuries related to being less capable of job requirements physically also play a significant role. This can often be amplified in blue collar industries, where hot working conditions combine with high levels of PPE to potentially cause productivity-sapping heat stress. Increased levels of concentration, strength and fitness in healthy workers results in a safer workplace for everyone.


Stress Reduction

It has been estimated that as much as 80-90% of all visits to primary care physicians are for stress-related problems (, NASDS/Clemson, National Library of Medicine). According to some studies, regular exercise and proper nutrition may work even better than medication for some people to reduce symptoms of stress, anxiety and depression, and the effects can be long lasting. This is especially important when considering some of the high stress positions of jobs today. One vigorous exercise session can help alleviate symptoms for hours and a regular schedule may significantly reduce overall occurrences over time. Exercise and other physical activity produce endorphins—chemicals in the brain that act as natural painkillers and stress relievers. They also improve the ability to sleep, which in turn reduces stress even more. This plays out both in the activities, actions and interactions of the employees and their ability to do their jobs at the highest capacity in high stress environments. It also directly impacts their need for additional time off, breaks and increases productivity while working.

Physical Capacity and Performance

The ability for your employees to perform their jobs efficiently, effectively and safely, could mean literally life or death in some instances. At a minimum it has a direct impact on performance and their capacity to think clearly and perform consistently. Their strength, stamina, flexibility, mobility and mental fitness all play a direct role and likely often impact their decision to perform certain job duties in a modified way as made necessary by the physical conditioning that may not be the safest, most efficient or even the way SOP dictates.


Mental Health

Mental and Physical Health are fundamentally linked. The World Health Organization (WHO) defines health as a state of complete physical, mental and social well-being and not merely the absence of disease or infirmity. The WHO states that “there is no health without mental health.” Exercise has been shown to release feel good endorphins, which act like endogenous cannabinoids in reducing stress and anxiety. Exercise also takes your mind off worries, helps you gain confidence, gain more social interaction and helps you cope with depression and stress in a healthy way (Mayo Clinic). All of which systematically reduce the need for individual counseling.


Work Force Attrition

Studies show that organizations with highly effective wellness programs report significantly lower voluntary attrition than do those whose programs have low effectiveness (9% vs. 15%) (Towers Watson and the National Business Group). Workplace turnover has been seen to be as low as 2-4% in many large companies (such as Baltimore TI). Simply put, employees who get involved in wellness programs do not leave.


Employee Productivity

Unhealthy employees are much more likely to be consuming more alcohol, be smokers, are generally overweight or obese, have a poor diet, are stressed, sleeping poorly and unlikely to be getting enough exercise. Healthy workers are almost three times more productive than their unhealthy colleagues, who take up to nine times the amount of sick leave each year. Research by Medibank Private found that the unhealthiest workers took, on average, 18 sick days each year compared to an average of two sick days in healthy people. They also found a clear association between a worker’s productivity and their health, with the unhealthiest workers logging only 49 effective hours each month, compared to the healthiest workers who clocked up to 143 effective hours, almost three times the amount.


There is also a direct correlation between absenteeism, productivity and unhealthy employees, who cause the productivity of the entire organization to suffer. Furthermore, increased levels of concentration, strength and fitness in healthy workers results in a safer workplace for everyone.


EASY Implementation with changes WEEK 1:

NO Long term contracts

ZERO Up-Front implementation costs

Proven ROI 

NO Internal Staffing requirements

On site Setup and overview

Quarterly Seminars

Custom Programming

One on One Appointments 

Easy virtual access


Backed by 30-Years of hands on experience 


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415 Richard Jackson Blvd, Office 206A, Panama City Beach, FL 

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All images and testimonials are from actual clients who have completed our program and did not receive any compensations for their endorsements. There are no guaranteed outcomes. Results will vary based on each persons’ unique circumstances, capacity, commitment and work ethic.​   DISCLAIMER: This website and all information in it is for educational and informational purposes only and solely as a self-help tool for your own use. I am not providing medical, psychological, fitness or nutrition therapy advice. You should not use this information to diagnose or treat any health problems or illnesses without consulting your own medical practitioner. Always seek the advice of your own medical practitioner and/or mental health provider about your specific health situation. For my full Disclaimer, please go to

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